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7 days to go..


While this post is titled 7 days to go as I'm typing it's actually only 4 days. nope, not panicked.. at all...

This week was really hitting point for the whole Pixel team, we've worked really hard over the last 7 weeks to pull everything together and soon we will be at event day. At the moment it's go, go, go as we really don't want to let ourselves down at the last hurdle.

our main focus as Web & PR team was the launch of the website and the VIP invitation send outs.

Cyrus, Sara & Cati worked super hard all weekend to get everyones work uploaded to the site and correctly credited while I spent time uploading editorials articles and interviews onto the 'Perspective' page. I later spent the day working with Events and the other half of my group to draft the e-invite and work our way through the list of industry names ready for send out.

Here's the link to our newly launched collaborative platform if you wish to nose :

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