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I have to start off by saying how PROUD I am of the whole Pixel team after launch on Wednesday!

From 8AM until 9PM we all worked super hard to make the event our own and bring all our ideas over the last few weeks to life.

While set up was a little manic HC became transformed into a colourful and interactive space, from the cinematic GIF room to Doris and Lem sat doing illustrations.

Our web station worked really well. We set up an apple store-like table of laptops, all open with the web homepage running ready for guests to browse the amazing platform we created. We also ran an interactive screen that presented live instagram posts and tweets that used the #yourpixel. Here we also had the GIF's just created by research played to all those in the event. This worked really well as it created a buzz to get your own GIF created to post on your socials and see played on the big screen.

On reflection, i think that the best part of event was definitely the VIP evening. Throughout the day it was really quiet, with only a handful of guests arriving to look at the workshops. It was disheartening that no-one was there to have a go on our stations, and unfortunately the general public aren't always happy to stop in the street and take a flyer. If we were to do another event I would definitely recommend doing the day exhibition later in the afternoon or possibly scrapping it completely, and just preparing for an amazing evening event for both ticket holders and industry VIP's.

Overall, I thought it was a success! We made ourselves proud & I think our tutors too! Everyone there for the party had an amazing time and couldn't stop complimenting us on the professional platform we had created and all the hard work we'd put in! While the journey was a bit up and down and noone was sure of how it would end, I'm pretty happy with the outcome.

Go team Pixel!


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